# Getting a .war Airsonic is using [Maven](https://maven.apache.org/) to manage its build process. Any version above 3.3+ should do the job. If you want to run the testsuite and get a `.war` is everything went fine, you this command: ``` $ mvn clean package ``` If you don't care about the result of the testsuite, but only want a `.war` as quick as possible, you can use this instead: ``` $ mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean package ``` # Suggesting modifications Airsonic's source code is hosted on [github](https://github.com/airsonic/airsonic/), who provides a [lot of documentation](https://help.github.com/en) on how to contribute to projects hosted there. Keep in mind that this is a non-funded community-driven project maintained by a relatively small group of contributors who have many other responsibilities and demands on their time. Development, maintenance, and administration of the project is done on a best-effort basis, as time and other constraints permit. # Getting your pull-requests reviewed and merged Once you have submitted a pull-request, a number of factors may determine how much attention it receives, how quickly it may be reviewed, and whether or not it eventually gets accepted and merged. Here are a few guidelines that can help speed the process and increase the chances of a pull request being accepted and merged in a timely fashion: - Limit the scope to the minimum changes necessary to accomplish a discrete and well defined task. - If your changes could be broken down into smaller units, then they are much less likely to be accepted. - Try not to address unrelated issues in the same set of changes, unless failing to do so would cause other problems (like merge conflicts). - Do your best to maintain prior functionality while eliminating (or at least minimizing) side effects. - Changes that affect backward compatibility or make it more difficult to upgrade or downgrade versions of libraries or installations will be the most heavily scrutinized and take the longest. - Maintain the style and coding standards represented by the codebase. - Consistent, simple, and easy-to-understand changes are usually preferred. - Do not mix functional changes with code cleanups or style changes. - Make it as easy as possible for others to review your changes. Rebasing your PR to address issues is strongly preferred over adding additional commits that make changes to (or undo parts of) prior commits. - In general, the more commits in a PR, the harder it is to review and the longer it will take to be reviewed. But do not sacrifice good change isolation by combining commits unnecessarily. - If your PR needs more than 2 or 3 commits, then you *probably* need to reduce the scope of your PR. If a single commit touches more than a few files or more than 30-50 lines, then the scope of the commit *probably* needs to be reduced. - Keep in mind that we strive to balance stability with new features while best utilizing everybody's limited available free time. As such, a pull request may be rejected if it doesn't strike that balance. And finally: - Actively maintain your PR. If any concerns are raised, or tests fail, or some other change occurs in the codebase that affects your PR (like a merge conflict) before your PR is accepted and merged, you are expected to address and resolve those issues or the PR may be rejected. Once all concerns have been addressed, having a change accepted usually requires two (or more, depending on complexity and impact) [core contributors](https://github.com/airsonic/airsonic/graphs/contributors): one to explicitly approve the pull-request, and another to perform the actual merge. If you keep sending great code, you might be invited to become a *core contributor*. "Normal releases do not happen on any fixed schedule. They happen when the maintainers collectively decide that enough changes and testing have taken place that a new release is warranted. Bugfix releases (when a problem has been discovered that is likely to impact users significantly), may happen more quickly if needed. Even after acceptance, the inclusion of larger changes may be delayed until a major version release in order to ensure that the impact to users is minimized and that stability is maintained. # Getting help The documentation is hosted [here](https://airsonic.github.io/) (you can contribute to it [here](https://github.com/airsonic/documentation)), and aims at being comprehensive. You can also use [irc](irc://irc.freenode.net/airsonic) and [reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/airsonic/) if you want to discuss or ask questions.