/* This file is part of Airsonic. Airsonic is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Airsonic is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Airsonic. If not, see . Copyright 2016 (C) Airsonic Authors Based upon Subsonic, Copyright 2009 (C) Sindre Mehus */ package org.airsonic.player.controller; import org.airsonic.player.domain.*; import org.airsonic.player.service.*; import org.apache.commons.lang3.BooleanUtils; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.web.bind.ServletRequestUtils; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam; import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView; import org.springframework.web.servlet.view.RedirectView; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import java.util.*; import java.util.stream.Collectors; /** * Controller for the main page. * * @author Sindre Mehus */ @Controller @RequestMapping("/main") public class MainController { @Autowired private SecurityService securityService; @Autowired private PlayerService playerService; @Autowired private SettingsService settingsService; @Autowired private RatingService ratingService; @Autowired private MediaFileService mediaFileService; @GetMapping protected ModelAndView handleRequestInternal(@RequestParam(name = "showAll", required = false) Boolean showAll, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { Map map = new HashMap<>(); Player player = playerService.getPlayer(request, response); List mediaFiles = getMediaFiles(request); if (mediaFiles.isEmpty()) { return new ModelAndView(new RedirectView("notFound.view")); } MediaFile dir = mediaFiles.get(0); if (dir.isFile()) { dir = mediaFileService.getParentOf(dir); } // Redirect if root directory. if (mediaFileService.isRoot(dir)) { return new ModelAndView(new RedirectView("home.view?")); } String username = securityService.getCurrentUsername(request); if (!securityService.isFolderAccessAllowed(dir, username)) { return new ModelAndView(new RedirectView("accessDenied.view")); } UserSettings userSettings = settingsService.getUserSettings(username); List children = mediaFiles.size() == 1 ? mediaFileService.getChildrenOf(dir, true, true, true) : getMultiFolderChildren(mediaFiles); List files = new ArrayList<>(); List subDirs = new ArrayList<>(); for (MediaFile child : children) { if (child.isFile()) { files.add(child); } else { subDirs.add(child); } } int userPaginationPreference = userSettings.getPaginationSize(); if (userPaginationPreference <= 0) { showAll = true; } boolean thereIsMoreSubDirs = trimToSize(showAll, subDirs, userPaginationPreference); boolean thereIsMoreSAlbums = false; mediaFileService.populateStarredDate(dir, username); mediaFileService.populateStarredDate(children, username); map.put("dir", dir); map.put("files", files); map.put("subDirs", subDirs); map.put("ancestors", getAncestors(dir)); map.put("coverArtSizeMedium", CoverArtScheme.MEDIUM.getSize()); map.put("coverArtSizeLarge", CoverArtScheme.LARGE.getSize()); map.put("player", player); map.put("user", securityService.getCurrentUser(request)); map.put("visibility", userSettings.getMainVisibility()); map.put("showAlbumYear", settingsService.isSortAlbumsByYear()); map.put("showArtistInfo", userSettings.isShowArtistInfoEnabled()); map.put("partyMode", userSettings.isPartyModeEnabled()); map.put("brand", settingsService.getBrand()); map.put("viewAsList", isViewAsList(request, userSettings)); if (dir.isAlbum()) { List siblingAlbums = getSiblingAlbums(dir); thereIsMoreSAlbums = trimToSize(showAll, siblingAlbums, userPaginationPreference); map.put("siblingAlbums", siblingAlbums); map.put("artist", guessArtist(children)); map.put("album", guessAlbum(children)); map.put("musicBrainzReleaseId", guessMusicBrainzReleaseId(children)); } try { MediaFile parent = mediaFileService.getParentOf(dir); map.put("parent", parent); map.put("navigateUpAllowed", !mediaFileService.isRoot(parent)); } catch (SecurityException x) { // Happens if Podcast directory is outside music folder. } map.put("thereIsMore", (thereIsMoreSubDirs || thereIsMoreSAlbums) && !BooleanUtils.isTrue(showAll)); Integer userRating = ratingService.getRatingForUser(username, dir); Double averageRating = ratingService.getAverageRating(dir); if (userRating == null) { userRating = 0; } if (averageRating == null) { averageRating = 0.0D; } map.put("userRating", 10 * userRating); map.put("averageRating", Math.round(10.0D * averageRating)); map.put("starred", mediaFileService.getMediaFileStarredDate(dir.getId(), username) != null); String view; if (isVideoOnly(children)) { view = "videoMain"; } else if (dir.isAlbum()) { view = "albumMain"; } else { view = "artistMain"; } return new ModelAndView(view, "model", map); } private boolean trimToSize(Boolean showAll, List list, int userPaginationPreference) { boolean trimmed = false; if (!BooleanUtils.isTrue(showAll)) { if (list.size() > userPaginationPreference) { trimmed = true; list.subList(userPaginationPreference, list.size()).clear(); } } return trimmed; } private boolean isViewAsList(HttpServletRequest request, UserSettings userSettings) { boolean viewAsList = ServletRequestUtils.getBooleanParameter(request, "viewAsList", userSettings.isViewAsList()); if (viewAsList != userSettings.isViewAsList()) { userSettings.setViewAsList(viewAsList); userSettings.setChanged(new Date()); settingsService.updateUserSettings(userSettings); } return viewAsList; } private boolean isVideoOnly(List children) { boolean videoFound = false; for (MediaFile child : children) { if (child.isAudio()) { return false; } if (child.isVideo()) { videoFound = true; } } return videoFound; } private List getMediaFiles(HttpServletRequest request) { List mediaFiles = new ArrayList<>(); for (String path : ServletRequestUtils.getStringParameters(request, "path")) { MediaFile mediaFile = mediaFileService.getMediaFile(path); if (mediaFile != null) { mediaFiles.add(mediaFile); } } for (int id : ServletRequestUtils.getIntParameters(request, "id")) { MediaFile mediaFile = mediaFileService.getMediaFile(id); if (mediaFile != null) { mediaFiles.add(mediaFile); } } return mediaFiles; } private String guessArtist(List children) { for (MediaFile child : children) { if (child.isFile() && child.getArtist() != null) { return child.getArtist(); } } return null; } private String guessAlbum(List children) { for (MediaFile child : children) { if (child.isFile() && child.getArtist() != null) { return child.getAlbumName(); } } return null; } private String guessMusicBrainzReleaseId(List children) { for (MediaFile child : children) { if (child.isFile() && child.getMusicBrainzReleaseId() != null) { return child.getMusicBrainzReleaseId(); } } return null; } private List getMultiFolderChildren(List mediaFiles) { SortedSet result = new TreeSet<>(new MediaFileComparator(settingsService.isSortAlbumsByYear())); for (MediaFile mediaFile : mediaFiles) { if (mediaFile.isFile()) { mediaFile = mediaFileService.getParentOf(mediaFile); } result.addAll(mediaFileService.getChildrenOf(mediaFile, true, true, true)); } return new ArrayList<>(result); } private List getAncestors(MediaFile dir) { LinkedList result = new LinkedList<>(); try { MediaFile parent = mediaFileService.getParentOf(dir); while (parent != null && !mediaFileService.isRoot(parent)) { result.addFirst(parent); parent = mediaFileService.getParentOf(parent); } } catch (SecurityException x) { // Happens if Podcast directory is outside music folder. } return result; } private List getSiblingAlbums(MediaFile dir) { List result = new ArrayList<>(); MediaFile parent = mediaFileService.getParentOf(dir); if (!mediaFileService.isRoot(parent)) { List siblings = mediaFileService.getChildrenOf(parent, false, true, true); result.addAll(siblings.stream().filter(sibling -> sibling.isAlbum() && !sibling.equals(dir)).collect(Collectors.toList())); } return result; } }