# Installing Libresonic This document is designed to explain how to install LibreSonic as a Tomcat module, on a computer running Linux. As the project expands, this guide will also expand to include other operating systems. ## Installing From Pre-Compiled Package ### Prerequisites In order to install and run Libresonic, you will need: * A JDK installation. 1.8.x series of OpenJDK or Oracle JDK 8+ should work. * A running [Tomcat](http://tomcat.apache.org/) server. If you're unfamiliar with Tomcat, there are many [guides](https://www.linode.com/docs/websites/frameworks/apache-tomcat-on-ubuntu-16-04) on it. For debian/ubuntu like distributions, you may need to ensure /etc/default/tomcat8 has the correct JAVA_HOME set. ### Download Libresonic Daily WAR files are built by Jenkins and available [here](https://jenkins.zifnab.net/job/libresonic/), curtesy of [zifnab06](https://github.com/zifnab06). 1. Download the latest war file: wget https://jenkins.zifnab.net/job/libresonic/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/.repository/org/libresonic/player/libresonic-main/6.1.beta2/libresonic-main-6.1.beta2.war -O /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/libresonic.war Note that this command copies the war file directly to the Tomcat webapps directory, and renames it to `libresonic.war`. 2. Create the libresonic directory and assign ownership to the Tomcat system user (if running tomcat as a service): mkdir /var/libresonic chown tomcat8:tomcat8 /var/libresonic/ 3. Start Tomcat, or restart it if running as a service, as in the example below using Systemd: systemctl restart tomcat8.service Note that it may take ~30 seconds after the service restarts for Tomcat to fully deploy the app. You can monitor /var/log/tomcat8/catalina.out for the following message: INFO: Deployment of web application archive /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/libresonic.war has finished in 46,192 ms 4. In your web browser, navigate to ``, replacing `` with your server's IP address, or `` if installing locally. ## Alternative to Tomcat If you'd prefer not to use a Tomcat container, you can also run Libresonic as a standalone application. Note that, in that case, libresonic will available at `` (and not ``). Download the Libresonic Pre-Compiled Package as explained above and put it anywhere. Then create the libresonic directory. Now you can simply run java against the libresonic.war package. Here is a simple shell script that does the job. ```shell #!/bin/sh JAVA_HOME=/software/java/jdk1.8.0_92 # please change to your java distribution directory LIBRESONIC_HOME=/var/libresonic LIBRESONIC_PIDFILE=${LIBRESONIC_HOME}/libresonic.pid LOG=${LIBRESONIC_HOME}/libresonic_sh.log LIBRESONIC_MAX_MEMORY=256 echo "LIBRESONIC_HOME = ${LIBRESONIC_HOME}" echo "Launch libresonic" ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -Xmx${LIBRESONIC_MAX_MEMORY}m \ -Dlibresonic.home=${LIBRESONIC_HOME} \ -Djava.awt.headless=true \ -jar libresonic.war > ${LOG} 2>&1 & # Write pid to pidfile if it is defined. echo "Write pid in ${LIBRESONIC_PIDFILE}" if [ $LIBRESONIC_PIDFILE ]; then echo $! > ${LIBRESONIC_PIDFILE} fi echo Started libresonic [PID $!, ${LOG}] ``` ## Installing From Source ### Prerequisites In order to build, install, and run Libresonic, you will need: * A recent version of [Maven](http://maven.apache.org/). * A JDK installation. 1.8.x series of OpenJDK or Oracle JDK 8+ should work. * A running [Tomcat](http://tomcat.apache.org/) server. If you're unfamiliar with Tomcat, there are many [guides](https://www.linode.com/docs/websites/frameworks/apache-tomcat-on-ubuntu-16-04) on it. On a Debian-based system, you can install all these prerequisites at once with: apt-get update; apt-get install tomcat8 openjdk-7-jdk maven ### Test Your System 1. Confirm your Maven installation: which mvn 2. Confirm that the $JAVA_HOME environment variable is set: echo $JAVA_HOME 3. If Java is installed, but the `JAVA_HOME` variable not set, be sure to [set it](http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-unix-set-java_home-path-variable/) before you continue. ### Download and Build Libresonic 1. Clone the Libresonic repo: git clone git://github.com/Libresonic/libresonic.git cd libresonic If you don't have a GitHub account, use https://github.com/Libresonic/libresonic.git instead. 2. At the time of this writing, we reccomend building from the development branch, as Libresonic has not had a stable release since being forked. git checkout develop 3. Using Maven, build Subsonic: mvn package 4. You should know have a war file: ls libresonic-main/target/libresonic.war libresonic-main/target/libresonic.war 5. Copy the war file to the Tomcat webapps directory: cp libresonic-main/target/libresonic.war /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps 6. Create the libresonic directory and assign ownership to the Tomcat system user (if running tomcat as a service): mkdir /var/libresonic chown tomcat8:tomcat8 /var/libresonic/ 7. Start Tomcat, or restart it if running as a service, as in the example below using Systemd: systemctl restart tomcat8.service Note that it may take ~30 seconds after the service restarts for Tomcat to fully deploy the app. You can monitor /var/log/tomcat8/catalina.out for the following message: INFO: Deployment of web application archive /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/libresonic.war has finished in 46,192 ms 8. In your web browser, navigate to ``, replacing `` with your server's IP address, or `` if installing locally.