Added frontend strings

Signed-off-by: Bernardus Jansen <>
Bernardus Jansen 8 years ago
parent 69121a894a
commit 8f1f1a133b
  1. 17
  2. 6
  3. 2

@ -341,6 +341,14 @@ advancedsettings.ldapsearchfilter = LDAP search filter
advancedsettings.ldapmanagerdn = LDAP manager DN<br><div class="detail">(Optional)</div>
advancedsettings.ldapmanagerpassword = Password
advancedsettings.ldapautoshadowing = Automatically create users in {0}
advancedsettings.smtpPort = SMTP port
advancedsettings.smtpServer = SMTP server
advancedsettings.smtpEncryption = SMTP encryption method
advancedsettings.smtpUser = SMTP username
advancedsettings.smtpPassword = SMTP password
advancedsettings.smtpEncryption.none = None
advancedsettings.smtpEncryption.starttls = STARTTLS
advancedsettings.smtpEncryption.ssl = SSL/TLS
# personalSettings.jsp
personalsettings.title = Personal settings for {0}
@ -808,6 +816,15 @@ helppopup.autocontrol.text = <p>With this option selected, {0} will automaticall
in the playlist. Otherwise, you must start and connect the player yourself.</p>
helppopup.dynamicip.title = Dynamic IP address
helppopup.dynamicip.text = <p>Turn off this option if the player uses a static IP address.</p>
helppopup.smtpServer.title = SMTP Server
helppopup.smtpServer.text = <p>The hostname of the SMTP server. This server will be used to send e-mails to users \
who have requested a password reset.</p>
helppopup.smtpPort.title = SMTP Port
helppopup.smtpPort.text = <p>The server's port that should be connected to for SMTP traffic.</p>
helppopup.smtpUser.title = SMTP User
helppopup.smtpUser.text = <p>The username to be used to authenticate with the server. Leave empty to connect without authentication.</p>
helppopup.smtpEncryption.title = SMTP Encryption
helppopup.smtpEncryption.text = <p>The encryption method to be used to connect to the SMTP server. Choose "None" for no encryption.</p>
# wap/index.jsp
wap.index.missing = No music found

@ -339,6 +339,12 @@ advancedsettings.ldapsearchfilter = LDAP zoekfilter
advancedsettings.ldapmanagerdn = LDAP manager DN<br><div class="detail">(Optioneel)</div>
advancedsettings.ldapmanagerpassword = Wachtwoord
advancedsettings.ldapautoshadowing = Maak automatisch gebruikers aan in {0}
advancedsettings.smtpPort = SMTP poort
advancedsettings.smtpServer = SMTP server
advancedsettings.smtpEncryption = SMTP versleutelingsmethode
advancedsettings.smtpUser = SMTP gebruikersnaam
advancedsettings.smtpPassword = SMTP wachtwoord
advancedsettings.smtpEncryption.none = Geen
# personalsettings.jsp
personalsettings.title = Persoonlijke instellingen voor {0}

@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
<form:option value="STARTTLS" label="STARTTLS"/>
<form:option value="SSL/TLS" label="SSL/TLS"/>
<c:import url="helpToolTip.jsp"><c:param name="topic" value="smtpEncryption"/></c:import>
@ -85,7 +86,6 @@
<td><fmt:message key="advancedsettings.smtpPassword"/></td>
<form:password path="smtpPassword" size="40"/>
<c:import url="helpToolTip.jsp"><c:param name="topic" value="smtpPassword"/></c:import>
