My fork of airsonic with experimental fixes and improvements. See branch "custom"
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

743 lines
34 KiB

8 years ago
This file is part of Airsonic.
8 years ago
Airsonic is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 years ago
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Airsonic is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
8 years ago
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Airsonic. If not, see <>.
8 years ago
Copyright 2016 (C) Airsonic Authors
Based upon Subsonic, Copyright 2009 (C) Sindre Mehus
8 years ago
package org.airsonic.player.dao;
8 years ago
import org.airsonic.player.domain.Genre;
import org.airsonic.player.domain.MediaFile;
import org.airsonic.player.domain.MusicFolder;
import org.airsonic.player.domain.RandomSearchCriteria;
import org.airsonic.player.util.Util;
8 years ago
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.*;
8 years ago
* Provides database services for media files.
* @author Sindre Mehus
8 years ago
public class MediaFileDao extends AbstractDao {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MediaFileDao.class);
private static final String INSERT_COLUMNS = "path, folder, type, format, title, album, artist, album_artist, disc_number, " +
"track_number, year, genre, bit_rate, variable_bit_rate, duration_seconds, file_size, width, height, cover_art_path, " +
"parent_path, play_count, last_played, comment, created, changed, last_scanned, children_last_updated, present, " +
"version, mb_release_id";
8 years ago
private static final String QUERY_COLUMNS = "id, " + INSERT_COLUMNS;
8 years ago
private static final String GENRE_COLUMNS = "name, song_count, album_count";
public static final int VERSION = 4;
private final RowMapper<MediaFile> rowMapper = new MediaFileMapper();
8 years ago
private final RowMapper musicFileInfoRowMapper = new MusicFileInfoMapper();
private final RowMapper genreRowMapper = new GenreMapper();
* Returns the media file for the given path.
* @param path The path.
* @return The media file or null.
public MediaFile getMediaFile(String path) {
return queryOne("select " + QUERY_COLUMNS + " from media_file where path=?", rowMapper, path);
8 years ago
* Returns the media file for the given ID.
* @param id The ID.
* @return The media file or null.
public MediaFile getMediaFile(int id) {
return queryOne("select " + QUERY_COLUMNS + " from media_file where id=?", rowMapper, id);
8 years ago
* Returns the media file that are direct children of the given path.
* @param path The path.
* @return The list of children.
public List<MediaFile> getChildrenOf(String path) {
return query("select " + QUERY_COLUMNS + " from media_file where parent_path=? and present", rowMapper, path);
8 years ago
public List<MediaFile> getFilesInPlaylist(int playlistId) {
return query("select " + prefix(QUERY_COLUMNS, "media_file") + " from playlist_file, media_file where " +
8 years ago
" = playlist_file.media_file_id and " +
"playlist_file.playlist_id = ? " +
"order by", rowMapper, playlistId);
public List<MediaFile> getSongsForAlbum(String artist, String album) {
return query("select " + QUERY_COLUMNS + " from media_file where album_artist=? and album=? and present " +
8 years ago
"and type in (?,?,?) order by disc_number, track_number", rowMapper,
artist, album,,,;
8 years ago
public List<MediaFile> getVideos(final int count, final int offset, final List<MusicFolder> musicFolders) {
if (musicFolders.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<>();
args.put("folders", MusicFolder.toPathList(musicFolders));
args.put("count", count);
args.put("offset", offset);
return namedQuery("select " + QUERY_COLUMNS
+ " from media_file where type = :type and present and folder in (:folders) " +
8 years ago
"order by title limit :count offset :offset", rowMapper, args);
public MediaFile getArtistByName(final String name, final List<MusicFolder> musicFolders) {
if (musicFolders.isEmpty()) {
return null;
Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<>();
args.put("name", name);
args.put("folders", MusicFolder.toPathList(musicFolders));
return namedQueryOne("select " + QUERY_COLUMNS + " from media_file where type = :type and artist = :name " +
8 years ago
"and present and folder in (:folders)", rowMapper, args);
* Creates or updates a media file.
* @param file The media file to create/update.
public void createOrUpdateMediaFile(MediaFile file) {
logger.trace("Creating/Updating new media file at {}", file.getPath());
8 years ago
String sql = "update media_file set " +
"folder=?," +
"type=?," +
"format=?," +
"title=?," +
"album=?," +
"artist=?," +
"album_artist=?," +
"disc_number=?," +
"track_number=?," +
"year=?," +
"genre=?," +
"bit_rate=?," +
"variable_bit_rate=?," +
"duration_seconds=?," +
"file_size=?," +
"width=?," +
"height=?," +
"cover_art_path=?," +
"parent_path=?," +
"play_count=?," +
"last_played=?," +
"comment=?," +
"changed=?," +
"last_scanned=?," +
"children_last_updated=?," +
"present=?, " +
"version=?, " +
"mb_release_id=? " +
8 years ago
"where path=?";
logger.trace("Updating media file {}", Util.debugObject(file));
8 years ago
int n = update(sql,
file.getFolder(), file.getMediaType().name(), file.getFormat(), file.getTitle(), file.getAlbumName(), file.getArtist(),
file.getAlbumArtist(), file.getDiscNumber(), file.getTrackNumber(), file.getYear(), file.getGenre(), file.getBitRate(),
file.isVariableBitRate(), file.getDurationSeconds(), file.getFileSize(), file.getWidth(), file.getHeight(),
file.getCoverArtPath(), file.getParentPath(), file.getPlayCount(), file.getLastPlayed(), file.getComment(),
file.getChanged(), file.getLastScanned(), file.getChildrenLastUpdated(), file.isPresent(), VERSION,
file.getMusicBrainzReleaseId(), file.getPath());
8 years ago
if (n == 0) {
// Copy values from obsolete table music_file_info.
MediaFile musicFileInfo = getMusicFileInfo(file.getPath());
if (musicFileInfo != null) {
update("insert into media_file (" + INSERT_COLUMNS + ") values (" + questionMarks(INSERT_COLUMNS) + ")",
8 years ago
file.getPath(), file.getFolder(), file.getMediaType().name(), file.getFormat(), file.getTitle(), file.getAlbumName(), file.getArtist(),
file.getAlbumArtist(), file.getDiscNumber(), file.getTrackNumber(), file.getYear(), file.getGenre(), file.getBitRate(),
file.isVariableBitRate(), file.getDurationSeconds(), file.getFileSize(), file.getWidth(), file.getHeight(),
file.getCoverArtPath(), file.getParentPath(), file.getPlayCount(), file.getLastPlayed(), file.getComment(),
file.getCreated(), file.getChanged(), file.getLastScanned(),
file.getChildrenLastUpdated(), file.isPresent(), VERSION, file.getMusicBrainzReleaseId());
8 years ago
int id = queryForInt("select id from media_file where path=?", null, file.getPath());
private MediaFile getMusicFileInfo(String path) {
return queryOne("select play_count, last_played, comment from music_file_info where path=?", musicFileInfoRowMapper, path);
public void deleteMediaFile(String path) {
update("update media_file set present=false, children_last_updated=? where path=?", new Date(0L), path);
public List<Genre> getGenres(boolean sortByAlbum) {
String orderBy = sortByAlbum ? "album_count" : "song_count";
return query("select " + GENRE_COLUMNS + " from genre order by " + orderBy + " desc", genreRowMapper);
public void updateGenres(List<Genre> genres) {
update("delete from genre");
for (Genre genre : genres) {
update("insert into genre(" + GENRE_COLUMNS + ") values(?, ?, ?)",
genre.getName(), genre.getSongCount(), genre.getAlbumCount());
* Returns the most frequently played albums.
* @param offset Number of albums to skip.
* @param count Maximum number of albums to return.
* @param musicFolders Only return albums in these folders.
* @return The most frequently played albums.
public List<MediaFile> getMostFrequentlyPlayedAlbums(final int offset, final int count, final List<MusicFolder> musicFolders) {
if (musicFolders.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<>();
args.put("folders", MusicFolder.toPathList(musicFolders));
args.put("count", count);
args.put("offset", offset);
8 years ago
return namedQuery("select " + QUERY_COLUMNS
+ " from media_file where type = :type and play_count > 0 and present and folder in (:folders) " +
8 years ago
"order by play_count desc limit :count offset :offset", rowMapper, args);
* Returns the most recently played albums.
* @param offset Number of albums to skip.
* @param count Maximum number of albums to return.
* @param musicFolders Only return albums in these folders.
* @return The most recently played albums.
public List<MediaFile> getMostRecentlyPlayedAlbums(final int offset, final int count, final List<MusicFolder> musicFolders) {
if (musicFolders.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<>();
args.put("folders", MusicFolder.toPathList(musicFolders));
args.put("count", count);
args.put("offset", offset);
return namedQuery("select " + QUERY_COLUMNS
+ " from media_file where type = :type and last_played is not null and present " +
8 years ago
"and folder in (:folders) order by last_played desc limit :count offset :offset", rowMapper, args);
* Returns the most recently added albums.
* @param offset Number of albums to skip.
* @param count Maximum number of albums to return.
* @param musicFolders Only return albums in these folders.
* @return The most recently added albums.
public List<MediaFile> getNewestAlbums(final int offset, final int count, final List<MusicFolder> musicFolders) {
if (musicFolders.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<>();
args.put("folders", MusicFolder.toPathList(musicFolders));
args.put("count", count);
args.put("offset", offset);
8 years ago
return namedQuery("select " + QUERY_COLUMNS
+ " from media_file where type = :type and folder in (:folders) and present " +
8 years ago
"order by created desc limit :count offset :offset", rowMapper, args);
* Returns albums in alphabetical order.
* @param offset Number of albums to skip.
* @param count Maximum number of albums to return.
* @param byArtist Whether to sort by artist name
* @param musicFolders Only return albums in these folders.
* @return Albums in alphabetical order.
public List<MediaFile> getAlphabeticalAlbums(final int offset, final int count, boolean byArtist, final List<MusicFolder> musicFolders) {
if (musicFolders.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<>();
args.put("folders", MusicFolder.toPathList(musicFolders));
args.put("count", count);
args.put("offset", offset);
8 years ago
String orderBy = byArtist ? "artist, album" : "album";
return namedQuery("select " + QUERY_COLUMNS
+ " from media_file where type = :type and folder in (:folders) and present " +
8 years ago
"order by " + orderBy + " limit :count offset :offset", rowMapper, args);
* Returns albums within a year range.
* @param offset Number of albums to skip.
* @param count Maximum number of albums to return.
* @param fromYear The first year in the range.
* @param toYear The last year in the range.
* @param musicFolders Only return albums in these folders.
* @return Albums in the year range.
public List<MediaFile> getAlbumsByYear(final int offset, final int count, final int fromYear, final int toYear,
final List<MusicFolder> musicFolders) {
if (musicFolders.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<>();
args.put("folders", MusicFolder.toPathList(musicFolders));
args.put("fromYear", fromYear);
args.put("toYear", toYear);
args.put("count", count);
args.put("offset", offset);
8 years ago
if (fromYear <= toYear) {
return namedQuery("select " + QUERY_COLUMNS
+ " from media_file where type = :type and folder in (:folders) and present " +
8 years ago
"and year between :fromYear and :toYear order by year limit :count offset :offset",
rowMapper, args);
} else {
return namedQuery("select " + QUERY_COLUMNS
+ " from media_file where type = :type and folder in (:folders) and present " +
8 years ago
"and year between :toYear and :fromYear order by year desc limit :count offset :offset",
rowMapper, args);
* Returns albums in a genre.
* @param offset Number of albums to skip.
* @param count Maximum number of albums to return.
* @param genre The genre name.
* @param musicFolders Only return albums in these folders.
* @return Albums in the genre.
public List<MediaFile> getAlbumsByGenre(final int offset, final int count, final String genre,
final List<MusicFolder> musicFolders) {
if (musicFolders.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<>();
args.put("genre", genre);
args.put("folders", MusicFolder.toPathList(musicFolders));
args.put("count", count);
args.put("offset", offset);
return namedQuery("select " + QUERY_COLUMNS + " from media_file where type = :type and folder in (:folders) " +
8 years ago
"and present and genre = :genre limit :count offset :offset", rowMapper, args);
public List<MediaFile> getSongsByGenre(final String genre, final int offset, final int count, final List<MusicFolder> musicFolders) {
if (musicFolders.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<>();
args.put("types", Arrays.asList(,,;
args.put("genre", genre);
args.put("count", count);
args.put("offset", offset);
args.put("folders", MusicFolder.toPathList(musicFolders));
return namedQuery("select " + QUERY_COLUMNS + " from media_file where type in (:types) and genre = :genre " +
8 years ago
"and present and folder in (:folders) limit :count offset :offset",
rowMapper, args);
public List<MediaFile> getSongsByArtist(String artist, int offset, int count) {
return query("select " + QUERY_COLUMNS
+ " from media_file where type in (?,?,?) and artist=? and present limit ? offset ?",
rowMapper,,,, artist, count, offset);
8 years ago
public MediaFile getSongByArtistAndTitle(final String artist, final String title, final List<MusicFolder> musicFolders) {
if (musicFolders.isEmpty() || StringUtils.isBlank(title) || StringUtils.isBlank(artist)) {
return null;
Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<>();
args.put("artist", artist);
args.put("title", title);
args.put("folders", MusicFolder.toPathList(musicFolders));
return namedQueryOne("select " + QUERY_COLUMNS + " from media_file where artist = :artist " +
"and title = :title and type = :type and present and folder in (:folders)",
8 years ago
rowMapper, args);
* Returns the most recently starred albums.
* @param offset Number of albums to skip.
* @param count Maximum number of albums to return.
* @param username Returns albums starred by this user.
* @param musicFolders Only return albums in these folders.
* @return The most recently starred albums for this user.
public List<MediaFile> getStarredAlbums(final int offset, final int count, final String username,
final List<MusicFolder> musicFolders) {
if (musicFolders.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<>();
args.put("folders", MusicFolder.toPathList(musicFolders));
args.put("username", username);
args.put("count", count);
args.put("offset", offset);
return namedQuery("select " + prefix(QUERY_COLUMNS, "media_file") + " from starred_media_file, media_file where = starred_media_file.media_file_id and " +
8 years ago
"media_file.present and media_file.type = :type and media_file.folder in (:folders) and starred_media_file.username = :username " +
"order by starred_media_file.created desc limit :count offset :offset",
rowMapper, args);
* Returns the most recently starred directories.
* @param offset Number of directories to skip.
* @param count Maximum number of directories to return.
* @param username Returns directories starred by this user.
* @param musicFolders Only return albums in these folders.
* @return The most recently starred directories for this user.
public List<MediaFile> getStarredDirectories(final int offset, final int count, final String username,
final List<MusicFolder> musicFolders) {
if (musicFolders.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<>();
args.put("folders", MusicFolder.toPathList(musicFolders));
args.put("username", username);
args.put("count", count);
args.put("offset", offset);
return namedQuery("select " + prefix(QUERY_COLUMNS, "media_file") + " from starred_media_file, media_file " +
8 years ago
"where = starred_media_file.media_file_id and " +
"media_file.present and media_file.type = :type and starred_media_file.username = :username and " +
"media_file.folder in (:folders) " +
"order by starred_media_file.created desc limit :count offset :offset",
rowMapper, args);
* Returns the most recently starred files.
* @param offset Number of files to skip.
* @param count Maximum number of files to return.
* @param username Returns files starred by this user.
* @param musicFolders Only return albums in these folders.
* @return The most recently starred files for this user.
public List<MediaFile> getStarredFiles(final int offset, final int count, final String username,
final List<MusicFolder> musicFolders) {
if (musicFolders.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<>();
args.put("types", Arrays.asList(,,,;
args.put("folders", MusicFolder.toPathList(musicFolders));
args.put("username", username);
args.put("count", count);
args.put("offset", offset);
return namedQuery("select " + prefix(QUERY_COLUMNS, "media_file") + " from starred_media_file, media_file where = starred_media_file.media_file_id and " +
8 years ago
"media_file.present and media_file.type in (:types) and starred_media_file.username = :username and " +
"media_file.folder in (:folders) " +
"order by starred_media_file.created desc limit :count offset :offset",
rowMapper, args);
public List<MediaFile> getRandomSongs(RandomSearchCriteria criteria, final String username) {
if (criteria.getMusicFolders().isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<>();
args.put("folders", MusicFolder.toPathList(criteria.getMusicFolders()));
args.put("username", username);
args.put("fromYear", criteria.getFromYear());
args.put("toYear", criteria.getToYear());
args.put("genre", criteria.getGenre());
args.put("minLastPlayed", criteria.getMinLastPlayedDate());
args.put("maxLastPlayed", criteria.getMaxLastPlayedDate());
args.put("minAlbumRating", criteria.getMinAlbumRating());
args.put("maxAlbumRating", criteria.getMaxAlbumRating());
args.put("minPlayCount", criteria.getMinPlayCount());
args.put("maxPlayCount", criteria.getMaxPlayCount());
args.put("starred", criteria.isShowStarredSongs());
args.put("unstarred", criteria.isShowUnstarredSongs());
args.put("format", criteria.getFormat());
boolean joinAlbumRating = (criteria.getMinAlbumRating() != null || criteria.getMaxAlbumRating() != null);
boolean joinStarred = (criteria.isShowStarredSongs() ^ criteria.isShowUnstarredSongs());
String query = "select " + prefix(QUERY_COLUMNS, "media_file") + " from media_file ";
if (joinStarred) {
query += "left outer join starred_media_file on = starred_media_file.media_file_id and starred_media_file.username = :username ";
if (joinAlbumRating) {
query += "left outer join media_file media_album on media_album.type = 'ALBUM' and media_album.album = media_file.album and media_album.artist = media_file.artist ";
query += "left outer join user_rating on user_rating.path = media_album.path and user_rating.username = :username ";
query += " where media_file.present and media_file.type = 'MUSIC'";
if (!criteria.getMusicFolders().isEmpty()) {
query += " and media_file.folder in (:folders)";
if (criteria.getGenre() != null) {
query += " and media_file.genre = :genre";
if (criteria.getFormat() != null) {
query += " and media_file.format = :format";
if (criteria.getFromYear() != null) {
query += " and media_file.year >= :fromYear";
if (criteria.getToYear() != null) {
query += " and media_file.year <= :toYear";
if (criteria.getMinLastPlayedDate() != null) {
query += " and media_file.last_played >= :minLastPlayed";
if (criteria.getMaxLastPlayedDate() != null) {
if (criteria.getMinLastPlayedDate() == null) {
query += " and (media_file.last_played is null or media_file.last_played <= :maxLastPlayed)";
} else {
query += " and media_file.last_played <= :maxLastPlayed";
if (criteria.getMinAlbumRating() != null) {
query += " and user_rating.rating >= :minAlbumRating";
if (criteria.getMaxAlbumRating() != null) {
if (criteria.getMinAlbumRating() == null) {
query += " and (user_rating.rating is null or user_rating.rating <= :maxAlbumRating)";
} else {
query += " and user_rating.rating <= :maxAlbumRating";
if (criteria.getMinPlayCount() != null) {
query += " and media_file.play_count >= :minPlayCount";
if (criteria.getMaxPlayCount() != null) {
if (criteria.getMinPlayCount() == null) {
query += " and (media_file.play_count is null or media_file.play_count <= :maxPlayCount)";
} else {
query += " and media_file.play_count <= :maxPlayCount";
if (criteria.isShowStarredSongs() && !criteria.isShowUnstarredSongs()) {
query += " and is not null";
if (criteria.isShowUnstarredSongs() && !criteria.isShowStarredSongs()) {
query += " and is null";
query += " order by rand()";
return namedQueryWithLimit(query, rowMapper, args, criteria.getCount());
8 years ago
public int getAlbumCount(final List<MusicFolder> musicFolders) {
if (musicFolders.isEmpty()) {
return 0;
Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<>();
args.put("folders", MusicFolder.toPathList(musicFolders));
8 years ago
return namedQueryForInt("select count(*) from media_file where type = :type and folder in (:folders) and present", 0, args);
public int getPlayedAlbumCount(final List<MusicFolder> musicFolders) {
if (musicFolders.isEmpty()) {
return 0;
Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<>();
args.put("folders", MusicFolder.toPathList(musicFolders));
8 years ago
return namedQueryForInt("select count(*) from media_file where type = :type " +
"and play_count > 0 and present and folder in (:folders)", 0, args);
public int getStarredAlbumCount(final String username, final List<MusicFolder> musicFolders) {
if (musicFolders.isEmpty()) {
return 0;
Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<>();
args.put("folders", MusicFolder.toPathList(musicFolders));
args.put("username", username);
8 years ago
return namedQueryForInt("select count(*) from starred_media_file, media_file " +
"where = starred_media_file.media_file_id " +
"and media_file.type = :type " +
"and media_file.present " +
"and media_file.folder in (:folders) " +
"and starred_media_file.username = :username",
0, args);
public void starMediaFile(int id, String username) {
unstarMediaFile(id, username);
update("insert into starred_media_file(media_file_id, username, created) values (?,?,?)", id, username, new Date());
public void unstarMediaFile(int id, String username) {
update("delete from starred_media_file where media_file_id=? and username=?", id, username);
public Date getMediaFileStarredDate(int id, String username) {
return queryForDate("select created from starred_media_file where media_file_id=? and username=?", null, id, username);
public void markPresent(String path, Date lastScanned) {
update("update media_file set present=?, last_scanned=? where path=?", true, lastScanned, path);
public void markNonPresent(Date lastScanned) {
int minId = queryForInt("select min(id) from media_file where last_scanned != ? and present", 0, lastScanned);
8 years ago
int maxId = queryForInt("select max(id) from media_file where last_scanned != ? and present", 0, lastScanned);
final int batchSize = 1000;
Date childrenLastUpdated = new Date(0L); // Used to force a children rescan if file is later resurrected.
for (int id = minId; id <= maxId; id += batchSize) {
update("update media_file set present=false, children_last_updated=? where id between ? and ? and last_scanned != ? and present",
childrenLastUpdated, id, id + batchSize, lastScanned);
public List<Integer> getArtistExpungeCandidates() {
return queryForInts("select id from media_file where media_file.type = ? and not present",;
public List<Integer> getAlbumExpungeCandidates() {
return queryForInts("select id from media_file where media_file.type = ? and not present",;
public List<Integer> getSongExpungeCandidates() {
return queryForInts("select id from media_file where media_file.type in (?,?,?,?) and not present",,,,;
8 years ago
public void expunge() {
int minId = queryForInt("select min(id) from media_file where not present", 0);
8 years ago
int maxId = queryForInt("select max(id) from media_file where not present", 0);
final int batchSize = 1000;
for (int id = minId; id <= maxId; id += batchSize) {
update("delete from media_file where id between ? and ? and not present", id, id + batchSize);
private static class MediaFileMapper implements RowMapper<MediaFile> {
8 years ago
public MediaFile mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
return new MediaFile(
8 years ago
rs.getInt(10) == 0 ? null : rs.getInt(10),
rs.getInt(11) == 0 ? null : rs.getInt(11),
rs.getInt(12) == 0 ? null : rs.getInt(12),
rs.getInt(14) == 0 ? null : rs.getInt(14),
rs.getInt(16) == 0 ? null : rs.getInt(16),
rs.getLong(17) == 0 ? null : rs.getLong(17),
rs.getInt(18) == 0 ? null : rs.getInt(18),
rs.getInt(19) == 0 ? null : rs.getInt(19),
8 years ago
private static class MusicFileInfoMapper implements RowMapper<MediaFile> {
8 years ago
public MediaFile mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
MediaFile file = new MediaFile();
return file;
private static class GenreMapper implements RowMapper<Genre> {
8 years ago
public Genre mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
return new Genre(rs.getString(1), rs.getInt(2), rs.getInt(3));