My fork of airsonic with experimental fixes and improvements. See branch "custom"
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1042 lines
43 KiB

8 years ago
<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=utf-8" pageEncoding="iso-8859-1"%>
<!DOCTYPE html>
8 years ago
<%@ include file="head.jsp" %>
<%@ include file="jquery.jsp" %>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<c:url value="/script/utils.js"/>"></script>
8 years ago
<script type="text/javascript" src="<c:url value="/dwr/interface/nowPlayingService.js"/>"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<c:url value="/dwr/interface/playQueueService.js"/>"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<c:url value="/dwr/interface/playlistService.js"/>"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<c:url value="/dwr/engine.js"/>"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<c:url value="/dwr/util.js"/>"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<c:url value="/script/mediaelement/mediaelement-and-player.min.js"/>"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<c:url value="/script/playQueueCast.js"/>"></script>
8 years ago
<style type="text/css">
.ui-slider .ui-slider-handle {
width: 11px;
height: 11px;
cursor: pointer;
.ui-slider a {
.ui-slider {
cursor: pointer;
<body class="bgcolor2 playlistframe" onload="init()">
<span id="dummy-animation-target" style="max-width: ${model.autoHide ? 50 : 150}px; display: none"></span>
8 years ago
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
// These variables store the media player state, received from DWR in the
// playQueueCallback function below.
// List of songs (of type PlayQueueInfo.Entry)
8 years ago
var songs = null;
// Stream URL of the media being played
8 years ago
var currentStreamUrl = null;
// Is autorepeat enabled?
8 years ago
var repeatEnabled = false;
// Is the "shuffle radio" playing? (More > Shuffle Radio)
var shuffleRadioEnabled = false;
// Is the "internet radio" playing?
var internetRadioEnabled = false;
// Is the play queue visible? (Initially hidden if set to "auto-hide" in the settings)
var isVisible = ${model.autoHide ? 'false' : 'true'};
// Initialize the Cast player (ChromeCast support)
8 years ago
var CastPlayer = new CastPlayer();
function init() {
<c:if test="${model.autoHide}">initAutoHide();</c:if>
$("#dialog-select-playlist").dialog({resizable: true, height: 220, autoOpen: false,
buttons: {
"<fmt:message key="common.cancel"/>": function() {
<c:if test="${model.player.web}">createMediaElementPlayer();</c:if>
8 years ago
stop: function(event, ui) {
var indexes = [];
$("#playlistBody").children().each(function() {
var id = $(this).attr("id").replace("pattern", "");
if (id.length > 0) {
indexes.push(parseInt(id) - 1);
cursor: "move",
axis: "y",
containment: "parent",
helper: function(e, tr) {
var originals = tr.children();
var trclone = tr.clone();
trclone.children().each(function(index) {
// Set cloned cell sizes to match the original sizes
$(this).css("maxWidth", originals.eq(index).width());
$(this).css("border-top", "1px solid black");
$(this).css("border-bottom", "1px solid black");
return trclone;
/** Toggle between <a> and <span> in order to disable play queue action buttons */
$.fn.toggleLink = function(newState) {
$(this).each(function(ix, elt) {
var node, currentState;
if (elt.tagName.toLowerCase() === "a") currentState = true;
else if (elt.tagName.toLowerCase() === "span") currentState = false;
else return true;
if (typeof newState === 'undefined') newState = !currentState;
if (newState === currentState) return true;
if (newState) node = document.createElement("a");
else node = document.createElement("span");
node.innerHTML = elt.innerHTML;
if (elt.hasAttribute("id")) node.setAttribute("id", elt.getAttribute("id"));
if (elt.hasAttribute("style")) node.setAttribute("style", elt.getAttribute("style"));
if (elt.hasAttribute("class")) node.setAttribute("class", elt.getAttribute("class"));
if (newState) {
if (elt.hasAttribute("data-href")) node.setAttribute("href", elt.getAttribute("data-href"));
} else {
if (elt.hasAttribute("href")) node.setAttribute("data-href", elt.getAttribute("href"));
node.setAttribute("aria-disabled", "true");
elt.parentNode.replaceChild(node, elt);
return true;
8 years ago
function onHidePlayQueue() {
isVisible = false;
function onShowPlayQueue() {
var height = $("body").height() + 25;
height = Math.min(height, * 0.8);
isVisible = true;
function onTogglePlayQueue() {
if (isVisible) onHidePlayQueue();
else onShowPlayQueue();
8 years ago
function initAutoHide() {
$(window).mouseleave(function (event) {
if (event.clientY < 30) onHidePlayQueue();
8 years ago
$(window).mouseenter(function () {
8 years ago
function setFrameHeight(height) {
<%-- Disable animation in Chrome. It stopped working in Chrome 44. --%>
var duration = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") != -1 ? 0 : 400;
$("#dummy-animation-target").animate({"max-width": height}, {
step: function (now, fx) {
top.document.getElementById("playQueueFrameset").rows = "*," + now;
duration: duration
function startTimer() {
<!-- Periodically check if the current song has changed. -->
setTimeout("startTimer()", 10000);
function nowPlayingCallback(nowPlayingInfo) {
if (nowPlayingInfo != null && nowPlayingInfo.streamUrl != currentStreamUrl) {
<c:if test="${not model.player.web}">
currentStreamUrl = nowPlayingInfo.streamUrl;
function onEnded() {
8 years ago
function createMediaElementPlayer() {
Fix race condition in MediaElement.js (#685, #1160) This commit is hopefully the final fix on Airsonic's side for #685. It also fixes #1160, which was caused by temporary workarounds introduced in #1080 while we were looking for a solution. The root cause of the issue is the fact that, when we go to the next track in an Airsonic play queue, we change the media source in the `ended` event. In MEJS, this translates as the following two things: * In Airsonic's 'ended' event, we change the media source (set the `src` attribute) and call the `load()` method, followed by the `play()` method. * The 'ended' event was also used internally by the MEJS player, and one of these internal uses called the `pause()` method (presumably in order to make sure that playback was stopped on some media renderers). Unfortunately, the order in which these events are called depends (in all modern browsers) on the order in which they are registered. In our case, the first one is registered inside the `<body>` tag, but the second one is registered with `$(document).ready(...)`. This means that the first event handler is called before the second. This means that, in some cases (when we're unlucky, hence the seemingly random nature of the bug), `pause()` is called after `load()` but before the media has finished loading. Apparently, this causes the `AbortError: The fetching process for the media resource was aborted by the user agent at the user's request.` message to appear (which indicates exactly what's described in the last paragraph), and the playback of the next song is aborted.
5 years ago
// Manually run MediaElement.js initialization.
// Warning: Bugs will happen if MediaElement.js is not initialized when
// we modify the media elements (e.g. adding event handlers). Running
// MediaElement.js's automatic initialization does not guarantee that
// (it depends on when we call createMediaElementPlayer at load time).
// Once playback reaches the end, go to the next song, if any.
Fix race condition in MediaElement.js (#685, #1160) This commit is hopefully the final fix on Airsonic's side for #685. It also fixes #1160, which was caused by temporary workarounds introduced in #1080 while we were looking for a solution. The root cause of the issue is the fact that, when we go to the next track in an Airsonic play queue, we change the media source in the `ended` event. In MEJS, this translates as the following two things: * In Airsonic's 'ended' event, we change the media source (set the `src` attribute) and call the `load()` method, followed by the `play()` method. * The 'ended' event was also used internally by the MEJS player, and one of these internal uses called the `pause()` method (presumably in order to make sure that playback was stopped on some media renderers). Unfortunately, the order in which these events are called depends (in all modern browsers) on the order in which they are registered. In our case, the first one is registered inside the `<body>` tag, but the second one is registered with `$(document).ready(...)`. This means that the first event handler is called before the second. This means that, in some cases (when we're unlucky, hence the seemingly random nature of the bug), `pause()` is called after `load()` but before the media has finished loading. Apparently, this causes the `AbortError: The fetching process for the media resource was aborted by the user agent at the user's request.` message to appear (which indicates exactly what's described in the last paragraph), and the playback of the next song is aborted.
5 years ago
$('#audioPlayer').on("ended", onEnded);
8 years ago
function getPlayQueue() {
function onClear() {
var ok = true;
<c:if test="${model.partyMode}">
ok = confirm("<fmt:message key="playlist.confirmclear"/>");
if (ok) {
* Start/resume playing from the current playlist
8 years ago
function onStart() {
if (CastPlayer.castSession) {
} else if ($('#audioPlayer').get(0)) {
if ($('#audioPlayer').get(0).src) {
$('#audioPlayer').get(0).play(); // Resume playing if the player was paused
else {
skip(0); // Start the first track if the player was not yet loaded
} else {
8 years ago
* Pause playing
8 years ago
function onStop() {
if (CastPlayer.castSession) {
} else if ($('#audioPlayer').get(0)) {
} else {
8 years ago
* Toggle play/pause
* FIXME: Only works for the Web player for now
function onToggleStartStop() {
if (CastPlayer.castSession) {
var playing = CastPlayer.mediaSession && CastPlayer.mediaSession.playerState ==;
if (playing) onStop();
else onStart();
} else if ($('#audioPlayer').get(0)) {
var playing = $("#audioPlayer").get(0).paused != null && !$("#audioPlayer").get(0).paused;
if (playing) onStop();
else onStart();
} else {
8 years ago
function onGain(gain) {
function onJukeboxVolumeChanged() {
var value = parseInt($("#jukeboxVolume").slider("option", "value"));
onGain(value / 100);
function onCastVolumeChanged() {
var value = parseInt($("#castVolume").slider("option", "value"));
CastPlayer.setCastVolume(value / 100, false);
* Increase or decrease volume by a certain amount
* @param gain amount to add or remove from the current volume
function onGainAdd(gain) {
if (CastPlayer.castSession) {
var volume = parseInt($("#castVolume").slider("option", "value")) + gain;
if (volume > 100) volume = 100;
if (volume < 0) volume = 0;
CastPlayer.setCastVolume(volume / 100, false);
$("#castVolume").slider("option", "value", volume); // Need to update UI
} else if ($('#audioPlayer').get(0)) {
var volume = parseFloat($('#audioPlayer').get(0).volume)*100 + gain;
if (volume > 100) volume = 100;
if (volume < 0) volume = 0;
$('#audioPlayer').get(0).volume = volume / 100;
} else {
var volume = parseInt($("#jukeboxVolume").slider("option", "value")) + gain;
if (volume > 100) volume = 100;
if (volume < 0) volume = 0;
onGain(volume / 100);
$("#jukeboxVolume").slider("option", "value", volume); // Need to update UI
8 years ago
function onSkip(index) {
<c:when test="${model.player.web}">
currentStreamUrl = songs[index].streamUrl;
if (isJavaJukeboxPresent()) {
8 years ago
playQueueService.skip(index, playQueueCallback);
function onNext(wrap) {
var index = parseInt(getCurrentSongIndex()) + 1;
if (shuffleRadioEnabled && index >= songs.length) {
playQueueService.reloadSearchCriteria(function(playQueue) {
} else if (wrap) {
8 years ago
index = index % songs.length;
8 years ago
function onPrevious() {
onSkip(parseInt(getCurrentSongIndex()) - 1);
8 years ago
function onPlay(id) {, playQueueCallback);
function onPlayShuffle(albumListType, offset, size, genre, decade) {
playQueueService.playShuffle(albumListType, offset, size, genre, decade, playQueueCallback);
function onPlayPlaylist(id, index) {
playQueueService.playPlaylist(id, index, playQueueCallback);
function onPlayInternetRadio(id, index) {
playQueueService.playInternetRadio(id, index, playQueueCallback);
8 years ago
function onPlayTopSong(id, index) {
playQueueService.playTopSong(id, index, playQueueCallback);
function onPlayPodcastChannel(id) {
playQueueService.playPodcastChannel(id, playQueueCallback);
function onPlayPodcastEpisode(id) {
playQueueService.playPodcastEpisode(id, playQueueCallback);
function onPlayNewestPodcastEpisode(index) {
playQueueService.playNewestPodcastEpisode(index, playQueueCallback);
function onPlayStarred() {
function onPlayRandom(id, count) {
playQueueService.playRandom(id, count, playQueueCallback);
function onPlaySimilar(id, count) {
playQueueService.playSimilar(id, count, playQueueCallback);
function onAdd(id) {
playQueueService.add(id, playQueueCallback);
function onAddNext(id) {
playQueueService.addAt(id, getCurrentSongIndex() + 1, playQueueCallback);
function onShuffle() {
function onStar(index) {
playQueueService.toggleStar(index, playQueueCallback);
function onStarCurrent() {
8 years ago
function onRemove(index) {
playQueueService.remove(index, playQueueCallback);
function onRemoveSelected() {
var indexes = new Array();
var counter = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < songs.length; i++) {
var index = i + 1;
if ($("#songIndex" + index).is(":checked")) {
indexes[counter++] = i;
playQueueService.removeMany(indexes, playQueueCallback);
function onRearrange(indexes) {
playQueueService.rearrange(indexes, playQueueCallback);
function onToggleRepeat() {
function onUndo() {
function onSortByTrack() {
function onSortByArtist() {
function onSortByAlbum() {
function onSavePlayQueue() {
var positionMillis = $('#audioPlayer').get(0) ? Math.round(1000.0 * $('#audioPlayer').get(0).currentTime) : 0;
8 years ago
playQueueService.savePlayQueue(getCurrentSongIndex(), positionMillis);
$().toastmessage("showSuccessToast", "<fmt:message key="playlist.toast.saveplayqueue"/>");
function onLoadPlayQueue() {
function onSavePlaylist() {
playlistService.createPlaylistForPlayQueue(function (playlistId) {
top.main.location.href = "playlist.view?id=" + playlistId;
$().toastmessage("showSuccessToast", "<fmt:message key="playlist.toast.saveasplaylist"/>");
function onAppendPlaylist() {
function playlistCallback(playlists) {
for (var i = 0; i < playlists.length; i++) {
var playlist = playlists[i];
$("<p class='dense'><b><a href='#' onclick='appendPlaylist(" + + ")'>" + escapeHtml(
+ "</a></b></p>").appendTo("#dialog-select-playlist-list");
function appendPlaylist(playlistId) {
var mediaFileIds = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < songs.length; i++) {
if ($("#songIndex" + (i + 1)).is(":checked")) {
playlistService.appendToPlaylist(playlistId, mediaFileIds, function (){
top.main.location.href = "playlist.view?id=" + playlistId;
$().toastmessage("showSuccessToast", "<fmt:message key="playlist.toast.appendtoplaylist"/>");
function isJavaJukeboxPresent() {
return $("#javaJukeboxPlayerControlBarContainer").length==1;
8 years ago
function playQueueCallback(playQueue) {
songs = playQueue.entries;
repeatEnabled = playQueue.repeatEnabled;
shuffleRadioEnabled = playQueue.shuffleRadioEnabled;
internetRadioEnabled = playQueue.internetRadioEnabled;
// If an internet radio has no sources, display a message to the user.
if (internetRadioEnabled && songs.length == 0) {
top.main.$().toastmessage("showErrorToast", "<fmt:message key="playlist.toast.radioerror"/>");
8 years ago
if ($("#start")) {
if ($("#toggleRepeat")) {
if (shuffleRadioEnabled) {
$("#toggleRepeat").html("<fmt:message key="playlist.repeat_radio"/>");
} else if (repeatEnabled) {
$("#toggleRepeat").attr('src', '<spring:theme code="repeatOn"/>');
$("#toggleRepeat").attr('alt', 'Repeat On');
} else {
$("#toggleRepeat").attr('src', '<spring:theme code="repeatOff"/>');
$("#toggleRepeat").attr('alt', 'Repeat Off');
8 years ago
// Disable some UI items if internet radio is playing
$("select#moreActions #loadPlayQueue").prop("disabled", internetRadioEnabled);
$("select#moreActions #savePlayQueue").prop("disabled", internetRadioEnabled);
$("select#moreActions #savePlaylist").prop("disabled", internetRadioEnabled);
$("select#moreActions #downloadPlaylist").prop("disabled", internetRadioEnabled);
$("select#moreActions #sharePlaylist").prop("disabled", internetRadioEnabled);
$("select#moreActions #sortByTrack").prop("disabled", internetRadioEnabled);
$("select#moreActions #sortByAlbum").prop("disabled", internetRadioEnabled);
$("select#moreActions #sortByArtist").prop("disabled", internetRadioEnabled);
$("select#moreActions #selectAll").prop("disabled", internetRadioEnabled);
$("select#moreActions #selectNone").prop("disabled", internetRadioEnabled);
$("select#moreActions #removeSelected").prop("disabled", internetRadioEnabled);
$("select#moreActions #download").prop("disabled", internetRadioEnabled);
$("select#moreActions #appendPlaylist").prop("disabled", internetRadioEnabled);
8 years ago
if (songs.length == 0) {
8 years ago
} else {
$("#songCountAndDuration").html(songs.length + " <fmt:message key="playlist2.songs"/> &ndash; " + playQueue.durationAsString);
// Delete all the rows except for the "pattern" row
dwr.util.removeAllRows("playlistBody", { filter:function(tr) {
return ( != "pattern");
// Create a new set cloned from the pattern row
for (var i = 0; i < songs.length; i++) {
var song = songs[i];
var id = i + 1;
dwr.util.cloneNode("pattern", { idSuffix:id });
if ($("#trackNumber" + id)) {
$("#trackNumber" + id).text(song.trackNumber);
8 years ago
if (!internetRadioEnabled) {
// Show star/remove buttons in all cases...
$("#starSong" + id).show();
$("#removeSong" + id).show();
$("#songIndex" + id).show();
// Show star rating
if (song.starred) {
$("#starSong" + id).attr("src", "<spring:theme code='ratingOnImage'/>");
} else {
$("#starSong" + id).attr("src", "<spring:theme code='ratingOffImage'/>");
8 years ago
} else {
// ...except from when internet radio is playing.
$("#starSong" + id).hide();
$("#removeSong" + id).hide();
$("#songIndex" + id).hide();
8 years ago
if ($("#currentImage" + id) && song.streamUrl == currentStreamUrl) {
$("#currentImage" + id).show();
if (isJavaJukeboxPresent()) {
8 years ago
if ($("#title" + id)) {
$("#title" + id).text(song.title);
8 years ago
$("#title" + id).attr("title", song.title);
if ($("#titleUrl" + id)) {
$("#titleUrl" + id).text(song.title);
8 years ago
$("#titleUrl" + id).attr("title", song.title);
$("#titleUrl" + id).click(function () {onSkip( - 1)});
if ($("#album" + id)) {
$("#album" + id).text(song.album);
8 years ago
$("#album" + id).attr("title", song.album);
$("#albumUrl" + id).attr("href", song.albumUrl);
// Open external internet radio links in new windows
if (internetRadioEnabled) {
$("#albumUrl" + id).attr({
target: "_blank",
rel: "noopener noreferrer",
8 years ago
if ($("#artist" + id)) {
$("#artist" + id).text(song.artist);
8 years ago
$("#artist" + id).attr("title", song.artist);
if ($("#genre" + id)) {
$("#genre" + id).text(song.genre);
8 years ago
if ($("#year" + id)) {
// If song.year is not an int, this will return NaN, which
// conveniently returns false in all boolean operations.
if (parseInt(song.year) > 0) {
$("#year" + id).text(song.year);
} else {
$("#year" + id).text("");
8 years ago
if ($("#bitRate" + id)) {
$("#bitRate" + id).text(song.bitRate);
8 years ago
if ($("#duration" + id)) {
$("#duration" + id).text(song.durationAsString);
8 years ago
if ($("#format" + id)) {
$("#format" + id).text(song.format);
8 years ago
if ($("#fileSize" + id)) {
$("#fileSize" + id).text(song.fileSize);
8 years ago
$("#pattern" + id).addClass((i % 2 == 0) ? "bgcolor1" : "bgcolor2");
// Note: show() method causes page to scroll to top.
$("#pattern" + id).css("display", "table-row");
if (playQueue.sendM3U) {
var jukeboxVolume = $("#jukeboxVolume");
if (jukeboxVolume) {
jukeboxVolume.slider("option", "value", Math.floor(playQueue.gain * 100));
<c:if test="${model.player.web}">
triggerPlayer(playQueue.startPlayerAt, playQueue.startPlayerAtPosition);
function triggerPlayer(index, positionMillis) {
if (index != -1) {
if (songs.length > index) {
if (positionMillis != 0) {
$('#audioPlayer').get(0).currentTime = positionMillis / 1000;
8 years ago
if (songs.length == 0) {
8 years ago
function loadMediaElementPlayer(song, position) {
var player = $('#audioPlayer').get(0);
// Is this a new song?
if (player.src != song.streamUrl) {
// Stop the current playing song and change the media source.
player.src = song.streamUrl;
// Inform MEJS that we need to load a new media source. The
// 'canplay' event will be fired once playback is possible.
// The 'skip' function takes a 'position' argument. We don't
// usually send it, and in this case it's better to do nothing.
// Otherwise, the 'canplay' event will also be fired after
// setting 'currentTime'.
if (position && position > 0) {
player.currentTime = position;
// Are we seeking on an already-playing song?
} else {
// Seeking also starts playing. The 'canplay' event will be
// fired after setting 'currentTime'.
player.currentTime = position || 0;
Fix race condition in MediaElement.js (#685, #1160) This commit is hopefully the final fix on Airsonic's side for #685. It also fixes #1160, which was caused by temporary workarounds introduced in #1080 while we were looking for a solution. The root cause of the issue is the fact that, when we go to the next track in an Airsonic play queue, we change the media source in the `ended` event. In MEJS, this translates as the following two things: * In Airsonic's 'ended' event, we change the media source (set the `src` attribute) and call the `load()` method, followed by the `play()` method. * The 'ended' event was also used internally by the MEJS player, and one of these internal uses called the `pause()` method (presumably in order to make sure that playback was stopped on some media renderers). Unfortunately, the order in which these events are called depends (in all modern browsers) on the order in which they are registered. In our case, the first one is registered inside the `<body>` tag, but the second one is registered with `$(document).ready(...)`. This means that the first event handler is called before the second. This means that, in some cases (when we're unlucky, hence the seemingly random nature of the bug), `pause()` is called after `load()` but before the media has finished loading. Apparently, this causes the `AbortError: The fetching process for the media resource was aborted by the user agent at the user's request.` message to appear (which indicates exactly what's described in the last paragraph), and the playback of the next song is aborted.
5 years ago
// Start playback immediately.;
8 years ago
function skip(index, position) {
if (index < 0 || index >= songs.length) {
var song = songs[index];
currentStreamUrl = song.streamUrl;
// Handle ChromeCast player.
8 years ago
if (CastPlayer.castSession) {
CastPlayer.loadCastMedia(song, position);
// Handle MediaElement (HTML5) player.
8 years ago
} else {
loadMediaElementPlayer(song, position);
8 years ago
<c:if test="${model.notify}">
function updateWindowTitle(song) {
top.document.title = song.title + " - " + song.artist + " - Airsonic";
8 years ago
function showNotification(song) {
if (!("Notification" in window)) {
if (Notification.permission === "granted") {
else if (Notification.permission !== 'denied') {
Notification.requestPermission(function (permission) {
Notification.permission = permission;
if (permission === "granted") {
function createNotification(song) {
var n = new Notification(song.title, {
tag: "airsonic",
8 years ago
body: song.artist + " - " + song.album,
icon: "coverArt.view?id=" + + "&size=110"
n.onshow = function() {
setTimeout(function() {n.close()}, 5000);
function updateCurrentImage() {
for (var i = 0; i < songs.length; i++) {
var song = songs[i];
var id = i + 1;
var image = $("#currentImage" + id);
if (image) {
if (song.streamUrl == currentStreamUrl) {;
} else {
function getCurrentSongIndex() {
for (var i = 0; i < songs.length; i++) {
if (songs[i].streamUrl == currentStreamUrl) {
return i;
return -1;
<!-- actionSelected() is invoked when the users selects from the "More actions..." combo box. -->
function actionSelected(id) {
var selectedIndexes = getSelectedIndexes();
if (id == "top") {
} else if (id == "savePlayQueue") {
} else if (id == "loadPlayQueue") {
} else if (id == "savePlaylist") {
} else if (id == "downloadPlaylist") {
location.href = "download.view?player=${}";
} else if (id == "sharePlaylist") {
parent.frames.main.location.href = "createShare.view?player=${}&" + getSelectedIndexes();
} else if (id == "sortByTrack") {
} else if (id == "sortByArtist") {
} else if (id == "sortByAlbum") {
} else if (id == "selectAll") {
} else if (id == "selectNone") {
} else if (id == "removeSelected") {
} else if (id == "download" && selectedIndexes != "") {
location.href = "download.view?player=${}&" + selectedIndexes;
} else if (id == "appendPlaylist" && selectedIndexes != "") {
$("#moreActions").prop("selectedIndex", 0);
function getSelectedIndexes() {
var result = "";
for (var i = 0; i < songs.length; i++) {
if ($("#songIndex" + (i + 1)).is(":checked")) {
result += "i=" + i + "&";
return result;
function selectAll(b) {
for (var i = 0; i < songs.length; i++) {
if (b) {
$("#songIndex" + (i + 1)).attr("checked", "checked");
} else {
$("#songIndex" + (i + 1)).removeAttr("checked");
<c:when test="${model.player.javaJukebox}">
<div id="javaJukeboxPlayerControlBarContainer">
<%@ include file="javaJukeboxPlayerControlBar.jspf" %>
<div class="bgcolor2" style="position:fixed; bottom:0; width:100%;padding-top:10px;">
<table style="white-space:nowrap; margin-bottom:0;">
<tr style="white-space:nowrap;">
<c:if test="${model.user.settingsRole and fn:length(model.players) gt 1}">
<td style="padding-right: 5px"><select name="player" onchange="location='playQueue.view?player=' + options[selectedIndex].value;">
<c:forEach items="${model.players}" var="player">
<option ${ eq ? "selected" : ""} value="${}">${player.shortDescription}</option>
<c:if test="${model.player.web}">
<div id="player" style="width:340px; height:40px">
Fix race condition in MediaElement.js (#685, #1160) This commit is hopefully the final fix on Airsonic's side for #685. It also fixes #1160, which was caused by temporary workarounds introduced in #1080 while we were looking for a solution. The root cause of the issue is the fact that, when we go to the next track in an Airsonic play queue, we change the media source in the `ended` event. In MEJS, this translates as the following two things: * In Airsonic's 'ended' event, we change the media source (set the `src` attribute) and call the `load()` method, followed by the `play()` method. * The 'ended' event was also used internally by the MEJS player, and one of these internal uses called the `pause()` method (presumably in order to make sure that playback was stopped on some media renderers). Unfortunately, the order in which these events are called depends (in all modern browsers) on the order in which they are registered. In our case, the first one is registered inside the `<body>` tag, but the second one is registered with `$(document).ready(...)`. This means that the first event handler is called before the second. This means that, in some cases (when we're unlucky, hence the seemingly random nature of the bug), `pause()` is called after `load()` but before the media has finished loading. Apparently, this causes the `AbortError: The fetching process for the media resource was aborted by the user agent at the user's request.` message to appear (which indicates exactly what's described in the last paragraph), and the playback of the next song is aborted.
5 years ago
<audio id="audioPlayer" data-mejsoptions='{"alwaysShowControls": true, "enableKeyboard": false}' width="340px" height"40px" tabindex="-1" />
<div id="castPlayer" style="display: none">
<div style="float:left">
<img alt="Play" id="castPlay" src="<spring:theme code="castPlayImage"/>" onclick="CastPlayer.playCast()" style="cursor:pointer">
<img alt="Pause" id="castPause" src="<spring:theme code="castPauseImage"/>" onclick="CastPlayer.pauseCast()" style="cursor:pointer; display:none">
<img alt="Mute on" id="castMuteOn" src="<spring:theme code="volumeImage"/>" onclick="CastPlayer.castMuteOn()" style="cursor:pointer">
<img alt="Mute off" id="castMuteOff" src="<spring:theme code="muteImage"/>" onclick="CastPlayer.castMuteOff()" style="cursor:pointer; display:none">
<div style="float:left">
<div id="castVolume" style="width:80px;height:4px;margin-left:10px;margin-right:10px;margin-top:8px"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#castVolume").slider({max: 100, value: 50, animate: "fast", range: "min"});
$("#castVolume").on("slidestop", onCastVolumeChanged);
<img alt="Cast on" id="castOn" src="<spring:theme code="castIdleImage"/>" onclick="CastPlayer.launchCastApp()" style="cursor:pointer; display:none">
<img alt="Cast off" id="castOff" src="<spring:theme code="castActiveImage"/>" onclick="CastPlayer.stopCastApp()" style="cursor:pointer; display:none">
<c:if test="${model.user.streamRole and not model.player.web}">
<img alt="Start" id="start" src="<spring:theme code="castPlayImage"/>" onclick="onStart()" style="cursor:pointer">
<img alt="Stop" id="stop" src="<spring:theme code="castPauseImage"/>" onclick="onStop()" style="cursor:pointer; display:none">
<c:if test="${model.player.jukebox}">
<td style="white-space:nowrap;">
<img src="<spring:theme code="volumeImage"/>" alt="">
<td style="white-space:nowrap;">
<div id="jukeboxVolume" style="width:80px;height:4px"></div>
8 years ago
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#jukeboxVolume").slider({max: 100, value: 50, animate: "fast", range: "min"});
$("#jukeboxVolume").on("slidestop", onJukeboxVolumeChanged);
8 years ago
8 years ago
<c:if test="${model.player.web}">
<td><span class="header">
<img src="<spring:theme code="backImage"/>" alt="Play next" title="Play next" onclick="onPrevious()" style="cursor:pointer"></span>
<td><span class="header">
<img src="<spring:theme code="forwardImage"/>" alt="Play next" title="Play next" onclick="onNext(false)" style="cursor:pointer"></span> |
8 years ago
<td style="white-space:nowrap;">
<span class="header">
<a href="javascript:onClear()">
<img src="<spring:theme code="clearImage"/>" alt="Clear playlist" title="Clear playlist" style="cursor:pointer; height:18px">
</span> |</td>
<td style="white-space:nowrap;">
<span class="header">
<a href="javascript:onShuffle()" id="shuffleQueue">
<img src="<spring:theme code="shuffleImage"/>" alt="Shuffle" title="Shuffle" style="cursor:pointer; height:18px">
</span> |</td>
<c:if test="${model.player.web or model.player.jukebox or model.player.external}">
<td style="white-space:nowrap;">
<span class="header">
<a href="javascript:onToggleRepeat()" id="repeatQueue">
<img id="toggleRepeat" src="<spring:theme code="repeatOn"/>" alt="Toggle repeat" title="Toggle repeat" style="cursor:pointer; height:18px">
</span> |</td>
8 years ago
<td style="white-space:nowrap;">
<span class="header">
<a href="javascript:onUndo()" id="undoQueue">
<img src="<spring:theme code="undoImage"/>" alt="Undo" title="Undo" style="cursor:pointer; height:18px">
</span> |</td>
<c:if test="${model.user.settingsRole}">
<td style="white-space:nowrap;">
<span class="header">
<a href="playerSettings.view?id=${}" target="main">
<img src="<spring:theme code="settingsImage"/>" alt="Settings" title="Settings" style="cursor:pointer; height:18px">
</span> |</td>
<td style="white-space:nowrap;"><select id="moreActions" onchange="actionSelected(this.options[selectedIndex].id)">
<option id="top" selected="selected"><fmt:message key="playlist.more"/></option>
<optgroup label="<fmt:message key="playlist.more.playlist"/>">
<option id="savePlayQueue"><fmt:message key="playlist.saveplayqueue"/></option>
<option id="loadPlayQueue"><fmt:message key="playlist.loadplayqueue"/></option>
<option id="savePlaylist"><fmt:message key=""/></option>
<c:if test="${model.user.downloadRole}">
<option id="downloadPlaylist"><fmt:message key=""/></option>
<c:if test="${model.user.shareRole}">
<option id="sharePlaylist"><fmt:message key="main.more.share"/></option>
<option id="sortByTrack"><fmt:message key="playlist.more.sortbytrack"/></option>
<option id="sortByAlbum"><fmt:message key="playlist.more.sortbyalbum"/></option>
<option id="sortByArtist"><fmt:message key="playlist.more.sortbyartist"/></option>
<optgroup label="<fmt:message key="playlist.more.selection"/>">
<option id="selectAll"><fmt:message key="playlist.more.selectall"/></option>
<option id="selectNone"><fmt:message key="playlist.more.selectnone"/></option>
<option id="removeSelected"><fmt:message key="playlist.remove"/></option>
<c:if test="${model.user.downloadRole}">
<option id="download"><fmt:message key=""/></option>
<option id="appendPlaylist"><fmt:message key="playlist.append"/></option>
8 years ago
<h2 style="float:left"><fmt:message key="playlist.more.playlist"/></h2>
<h2 id="songCountAndDuration" style="float:right;padding-right:1em"></h2>
<div style="clear:both"></div>
<p id="empty"><em><fmt:message key="playlist.empty"/></em></p>
<table class="music indent" style="cursor:pointer">
<tbody id="playlistBody">
<tr id="pattern" style="display:none;margin:0;padding:0;border:0">
<td class="fit">
<img id="starSong" onclick="onStar( - 1)" src="<spring:theme code="ratingOffImage"/>"
style="cursor:pointer;height:18px;" alt="" title=""></td>
8 years ago
<td class="fit">
<img id="removeSong" onclick="onRemove( - 1)" src="<spring:theme code="removeImage"/>"
style="cursor:pointer; height:18px;" alt="<fmt:message key="playlist.remove"/>" title="<fmt:message key="playlist.remove"/>"></td>
<td class="fit"><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="songIndex"></td>
8 years ago
<c:if test="${model.visibility.trackNumberVisible}">
<td class="fit rightalign"><span class="detail" id="trackNumber">1</span></td>
<td class="truncate">
<img id="currentImage" src="<spring:theme code="currentImage"/>" alt="" style="display:none;padding-right: 0.5em">
<c:when test="${model.player.externalWithPlaylist}">
<span id="title" class="songTitle">Title</span>
<span class="songTitle"><a id="titleUrl" href="javascript:void(0)">Title</a></span>
<c:if test="${model.visibility.albumVisible}">
<td class="truncate"><a id="albumUrl" target="main"><span id="album" class="detail">Album</span></a></td>
<c:if test="${model.visibility.artistVisible}">
<td class="truncate"><span id="artist" class="detail">Artist</span></td>
<c:if test="${model.visibility.genreVisible}">
<td class="truncate"><span id="genre" class="detail">Genre</span></td>
<c:if test="${model.visibility.yearVisible}">
<td class="fit rightalign"><span id="year" class="detail">Year</span></td>
<c:if test="${model.visibility.formatVisible}">
<td class="fit rightalign"><span id="format" class="detail">Format</span></td>
<c:if test="${model.visibility.fileSizeVisible}">
<td class="fit rightalign"><span id="fileSize" class="detail">Format</span></td>
<c:if test="${model.visibility.durationVisible}">
<td class="fit rightalign"><span id="duration" class="detail">Duration</span></td>
<c:if test="${model.visibility.bitRateVisible}">
<td class="fit rightalign"><span id="bitRate" class="detail">Bit Rate</span></td>
<div style="height:3.2em"></div>
<div id="dialog-select-playlist" title="<fmt:message key="main.addtoplaylist.title"/>" style="display: none;">
<p><fmt:message key="main.addtoplaylist.text"/></p>
<div id="dialog-select-playlist-list"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
window['__onGCastApiAvailable'] = function(isAvailable) {
if (isAvailable) {
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
8 years ago