A simple library for building and parsing data frames for serial interfaces (like UART / RS232)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

228 lines
6.8 KiB

#ifndef TinyFrameH
#define TinyFrameH
#include <stdint.h> // for uint8_t etc
#include <stdbool.h> // for bool
#include <stdlib.h> // for NULL
// A static buffer of this size will be allocated
#define TF_MAX_PAYLOAD 2048
// Frame ID listeners (wait for response / multi-part message)
#define TF_MAX_ID_LST 20
// Frame Type listeners (wait for frame with a specific first payload byte)
#define TF_MAX_TYPE_LST 20
// Generic listeners (fallback if no other listener catches it)
#define TF_MAX_GEN_LST 4
// Timeout for receiving & parsing a frame
// ticks = number of calls to TF_Tick()
#define TF_USE_CRC16 1
// ,-----+-----+-----------+----+------+- - - -+------------,
// | 1 | 2? | 1? | 1? | 1? | ... | 1? |
// '-----+-----+-----------+----+------+- - - -+------------'
// '----- payload -----'
// The data section is designed thus so the higher levels of TinyFrame
// (message chaining, listeners etc) could be re-used for a different
// framing layer (e.g. sent in UDP packets)
// Fields marked '?' can have their size adjusted by changing the
// typedefs below
// Change those typedefs to adjust the field sizes. BOTH PEERS MUST HAVE THE SAME SIZES!
typedef uint8_t TF_ID; // Message ID. Effectively limits the nr of concurrent request-response sessions.
typedef uint8_t TF_TYPE; // Message type (sent together with the data payload, which can be empty)
typedef uint16_t TF_LEN; // Length of the data payload.
// TF_OVERHEAD_BYTES - added to TF_MAX_PAYLOAD for the send buffer size.
// (TODO - buffer-less sending)
#if TF_USE_CRC16
typedef uint16_t TF_CKSUM;
typedef uint8_t TF_CKSUM;
#define TF_SOF_BYTE 0x01
#define TF_ERROR -1
// Type-dependent masks for bit manipulation in the ID field
#define TF_ID_MASK ((1 << (sizeof(TF_ID)*8 - 1)) - 1)
#define TF_ID_PEERBIT (1 << (sizeof(TF_ID)*8) - 1)
typedef enum {
* TinyFrame Type Listener callback
* @param frame_id - ID of the received frame
* @param data - byte buffer with the application data
* @param len - number of bytes in the buffer
* @return true if the frame was consumed
typedef bool (*TF_LISTENER)(TF_ID frame_id,
TF_TYPE type,
const uint8_t *data, TF_LEN len);
* Initialize the TinyFrame engine.
* This can also be used to completely reset it (removing all listeners etc)
* @param peer_bit - peer bit to use for self
void TF_Init(TF_PEER peer_bit);
* Reset the frame parser state machine.
void TF_ResetParser(void);
* Accept incoming bytes & parse frames
* @param buffer - byte buffer to process
* @param count - nr of bytes in the buffer
void TF_Accept(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t count);
* Accept a single incoming byte
* @param c - a received char
void TF_AcceptChar(uint8_t c);
* Register a frame type listener.
* @param frame_type - frame ID to listen for
* @param cb - callback
* @return slot index (for removing), or TF_ERROR (-1)
bool TF_AddIdListener(TF_ID frame_id, TF_LISTENER cb);
* Remove a listener by the message ID it's registered for
* @param frame_id - the frame we're listening for
bool TF_RemoveIdListener(TF_ID frame_id);
* Register a frame type listener.
* @param frame_type - frame type to listen for
* @param cb - callback
* @return slot index (for removing), or TF_ERROR (-1)
bool TF_AddTypeListener(TF_TYPE frame_type, TF_LISTENER cb);
* Remove a listener by type.
* @param type - the type it's registered for
bool TF_RemoveTypeListener(TF_TYPE type);
* Register a generic listener.
* @param cb - callback
* @return slot index (for removing), or TF_ERROR (-1)
bool TF_AddGenericListener(TF_LISTENER cb);
* Remove a generic listener by function pointer
* @param cb - callback function to remove
bool TF_RemoveGenericListener(TF_LISTENER cb);
* Compose a frame (used internally by TF_Send and TF_Respond).
* The frame can be sent using TF_WriteImpl(), or received by TF_Accept()
* @param outbuff - buffer to store the result in
* @param msgid - message ID is stored here, if not NULL
* @param type - message type
* @param data - data buffer
* @param len - payload size in bytes
* @param explicit_id - ID to use in the frame (8-bit)
* @param use_expl_id - whether to use the previous param
* @return nr of bytes in outbuff used by the frame, TF_ERROR (-1) on failure
int TF_Compose(uint8_t *outbuff,
TF_ID *id_ptr,
TF_TYPE type,
const uint8_t *data, TF_LEN data_len,
TF_ID explicit_id, bool use_expl_id);
* Send a frame, and optionally attach an ID listener.
* @param type - message type
* @param data - data to send (can be NULL if 'data_len' is 0)
* @param data_len - nr of bytes to send
* @param listener - listener waiting for the response
* @param id_ptr - store the ID here, NULL to don't store.
* The ID may be used to unbind the listener after a timeout.
* @return success
bool TF_Send(TF_TYPE type, const uint8_t *data, TF_LEN data_len,
TF_LISTENER listener,
TF_ID *id_ptr);
* Like TF_Send(), but with just 1 data byte
bool TF_Send1(TF_TYPE type, uint8_t b1,
TF_LISTENER listener,
TF_ID *id_ptr);
* Like TF_Send(), but with just 2 data bytes
bool TF_Send2(TF_TYPE type, uint8_t b1, uint8_t b2,
TF_LISTENER listener,
TF_ID *id_ptr);
* Send a response to a received message.
* @param type - message type. If an ID listener is waiting for this response,
* then 'type' can be used to pass additional information.
* Otherwise, 'type' can be used to handle the message using a TypeListener.
* @param data - data to send
* @param data_len - nr of bytes to send
* @param frame_id - ID of the response frame (re-use ID from the original message)
* @return success
bool TF_Respond(TF_TYPE type,
const uint8_t *data, TF_LEN data_len,
TF_ID frame_id);
* 'Write bytes' function that sends data to UART
* ! Implement this in your application code !
extern void TF_WriteImpl(const uint8_t *buff, TF_LEN len);
* This function must be called periodically.
* The time base is used to time-out partial frames in the parser and
* automatically reset it.
* (suggestion - call this in a SysTick handler)
void TF_Tick(void);